The man who fell in the tub
He gingerly touched the water. It was hot. So he bent, hurriedly I presume, to turn the cold water tap on. With this sudden shift in the CG (which anyway was precariously mounted at the edge of his chicken-belly) the gravity suddenly decided to make its present felt. And he fell. On his knees. In the bathtub.
Normally, under those circumstances, one would locate something to hold on to, and rise from the water. Not him though. Not to be outdone by the primitive force of water, he renewed his resolved to get up without any aid other than what nature has provided him with. So, completely ignoring the grab-handles given so thoughtfully on the side wall (or was it merely ornamental), he tried again and, predictably I must say, fell down again. On his knees. In the bathtub.
He hadn’t yet figured out the use for those white things on the wall and still tried to get up on his hands. Fell again. On his knees. In the bathtub.
Just as he started developing his views on his painful situation (he owns a Bengali intellect, so it was only a matter of time before he developed STRONG views on the bathtub community, in general), the bathtub decided enough was already done. It was quite obvious that he was not going to use the handles. So he rose. Victorious, a little bruised though.
Like its been happening since the time immemorial, a man defeated the forces of nature…yet again.
On a lot of requests and some threatening, the name of the victim has not been disclosed